See below for University courses I have taught and can provide research on a consultancy/contract basis.
University Courses Taught: * Issues in Pacific Security (including Terrorism). An advanced level course, the University of the Sunshine Coast. * The Philosophy of International Relations An advanced level course, the University of the Sunshine Coast in collaboration with Professor David Boucher, University of Wales -Cardiff (a joint teaching development project-Campus and Flexible Delivery). * Rocking the World: The Politics of Popular Music An advanced level course, the University of the Sunshine Coast, coordinator and lecturer. * Rim and Islands: The Politics of the Asian-Pacific An advanced level course, the University of the Sunshine Coast (Campus and Flexible Delivery), coordinator and lecturer. * Forces of Change in International Politics University of Sunshine Coast, University of Sydney. A postgraduate single semester seminar course. Program Director and Course Coordinator and lecturer (Campus and Flexible Delivery). * The Politics of the South Pacific University of Sydney. A second-third year semester course, lecturer and coordinator. * Asian-Pacific Politics, University of Sydney. A postgraduate single seminar semester course, Program Director and Course Coordinator. * The Politics of the Americas (Open Learning Pol 31), University of Sunshine Coast . A third year Open Learning single semester course, Coordinator and Lecturer (Distance-Print and Audio-tape based). * The Politics of the Asian-Pacific Region(University of New England & Open Learning Pol 25 & 26). A second year double semester course, Coordinator and Lecturer (Distance - Print based). * Themes in International Relations (University of New England). A second-third year single semester course. Joint Coordinator and Lecturer (Campus and Distance Based). * International Politics: An Australian Perspective (University of New England & Open Learning, Pol 11). A first year single semester course, Course Coordinator and Lecturer (Distance: Print and ABC Radio based- Radio National). * Public Administration(University of New England). A second-third year semester course, lecturer and coordinator (campus and distance based). * Third World Politics and Public Administration (University of New England). A second-third year semester course, lecturer and coordinator (campus and distance based). * The Politics of the Pacific (The University of the South Pacific). A second-third year semester course, lecturer and coordinator (campus and distance based). * Comparative Politics: The Soviet Union and the United States (The University of the South Pacific). A second-third year semester course, lecturer and coordinator (campus and distance based). * International Politics (The University of the South Pacific). A second-third year semester course in International Relations, coordinator and lecturer (campus and distance based). * Political Theory and Australian Politics (La Trobe University). A first year double semester, some lecturing and tutoring. * International Politics (La Trobe University). A second year double semester , tutor and some lectures.
I have considerable experience in curriculum design at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, in areas relating to, and including, International Studies/International Relations. I gained this experience at a number of universities but primarily at the University of Sydney and the University of the Sunshine Coast.
At the Sunshine Coast, I built a small but skilled and impressive team to implement the innovative curriculum I developed for my area. This program provided students with not only advanced standing and expertise in International Politics (heavily IR orientated), but also language skills and geo-political expertise. Upon graduation this enabled them as graduates to find meaningful employment with relevant institutions both within Australia and overseas.